  1. United States
  2. S.C.
  3. Letter

you knew better

To: Rep. Timmons, Sen. Graham, Sen. Scott

From: A constituent in Travelers Rest, SC

October 27

no sir. history is exactly what dictates that the trump cult is a facist dictatorship in the making. our joy comes from knowing that we reject facist ideology. no tarrfis. no retard mis handling of spidemics. no sir. even on auto piolot trump was an absolute disaster. you can pretend the biden admin didnt do 10x better but its obvious. you can pretend trump isnt a narssist with dementia. but we all have eyes. dont worry about joy. it will be in abundance in 11 days when we get rid of your nonsense threathening our ppl. you knew he was a disgusting failure. you said it. and then tapped danced to here. now..your words fall on deaf ears.

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