  1. United States
  2. Ariz.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Ciscomani

From: A verified voter in Cochise, AZ

July 25

I am so ashamed of your behavior during Netanyahu's speech. You applauded his lies! You allowed him to say that he is feeding Palestinians when Israeli citizens are destroying the food outside the border of Gaza. You allowed him to say he's not targeting civilians when he deliberately claims that he has to kill civilians because Hamas is hiding behind them! Everything he said is a lie. Everything you applauded is a crime against humanity! I am disgusted and ashamed of the US Congress. That you could allow a butcher like Netanyahu to speak to you and actually be honored. You desecrated the US capital with Netanyahu. So I know you have no shame. I know you do not represent me. I know you will do nothing for me. I know everything you claim you will do for Americans is a lie. Because of your behavior. So go ahead and be rich in congress. Shovel the money into your pockets. Shovel the money into your family's coffers. But for God's sake stop lying.

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