  1. United States
  2. Mo.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Plank, Sen. Rowden, Gov. Parson

From: A verified voter in Columbia, MO

September 4, 2024

Protect Missouri children in public schools. Another school shooting happened this morning in Georgia. Unfortunately, we are familiar with the feeling of collective grief in the wake of this tragedy, and it is beyond past time to make changes to the laws regarding firearms in our state. To continue to ignore this growing catastrophe is to allow it to continue happening. Do more for the children in our schools. Require background checks and waiting periods for the purchase of firearms. Require registration of all firearms. Require a permit to purchase or own a firearm. Institute a minimum age requirement on the purchase of firearms. Ban assault weapons. Repeal the Second Amendment Preservation Act. Do more.

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