  1. United States
  2. Utah
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Curtis, Sen. Lee, Sen. Romney

From: A constituent in American Fork, UT

May 24

As your constituent, I urge you to oppose the Farm Bill unless there’s a successful amendment to remove language that would devastate the U.S. hemp industry. Specifically, a provision was inserted by Rep. Mary Miller (R-IL) – without any opportunity for a roll call vote - that would federally ban all ingestible hemp products that have any quantifiable THC in them. Please understand that nearly 90-95% of hemp products have a trace amount of THC in them – even a significant majority of non-intoxicating CBD products. That’s the nature of the plant and the products. Worse yet, a new definition of hemp within the provision would wreak havoc in the hemp fiber and grain industry, which would largely not be able to comply with new measurements for compliant THC. Hemp farmers would no longer have vibrant markets for their crops, and consumers would not have access to very popular products that they rely upon for their health and wellness. I strongly support efforts to regulate hemp products and keep intoxicating products out of the hands of children. But the new Farm Bill language goes far beyond that – it strikes a death blow to the hemp industry. It is simply a cynical effort to allow a few monopolistic marijuana companies to gain anti-competitive advantage over products that are not in their purview. Please support efforts on the House floor to amend the Farm Bill to remove these industry-killing provisions. And if that’s unsuccessful, please oppose the Farm Bill on the House floor.

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