  1. United States
  2. S.C.
  3. Letter

What you already know but won't hear

To: Rep. Timmons, Sen. Graham, Sen. Scott

From: A constituent in Travelers Rest, SC

June 26

Watching lincolns party devolve into a orange con grift cult is extremely disheartening. Each & every one of your party members have sold thier entire ideology & platform in the name of power under a new dictatorship. I have to ask wtf is wrong with you ppl? & to do so in the name of the man Jesus? Blasphemy. For your sake you better hope that the Christian fairy tale is fiction cause I can't imagine that he'd be happy with what you've done to the poorest, the women, the most in need.. You have never won a popular vote.. but chaining yourself to the traitor felon is really the mistake the will end in your downfall ultimately. Your words may fool a handful of elderly fox viewers but even that's no longer realized. There's no platform at all. Just power grabs from criminals who don't give two damns about this nation. You want to make America Trump inc? HE IS THE ONE WHO STOPPED YOUR VERY OWN BOARDER BILL THE AMERICAN PPL ARE NOT STUPID SIR. & WHEN YOU LOSE AGAIN. know.. really know. That every action that lead to your party worshiping a false idol did this. And none of you will get cabinet positions. If you did. You'd end up in prison anyhow Like all the other cult devotee. You want a democratic power structure for the next 50 years.. this is how you get it. And your corrupt Supreme Court won't be able to do a Hella lot about it. We gave you the chance. You sold your own morals. Remember that when this is over. Enjoy the debates. You'll be thinking of it deep into Biden next term. - a native South Carolinian

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