  1. United States
  2. Iowa
  3. Letter

About your recent fundraising email

To: Rep. Hinson

From: A constituent in Cedar Rapids, IA

September 6

I was dismayed to find an email requesting money from your office in my inbox. not only was it full of lies about immigration, It also brought to mind your continued support of the convicted felon who traiturously tried to seize pow er in violation of his constitutional oath. you yourself have supported many legislative efforts to strip Iowans of their rights and liberties. this violates the state motto our liberties we prize and our rights we shall maintain. y bad at. you should be ashamed of yourself and I hope the voters of Iowa send you scurrying back to the early morning news casting job which you were so incredibl all of you republicans in Iowa have been the worst thing to happen to the state. think about what you were doing by enriching yourself on the backs of al l of those poor people who believe your specious claims about brown people. racism and homophobia are not family values. I have always been disgusted by your your campaigns, but now you are hitting a new low.

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