  1. United States
  2. Colo.
  3. Letter


To: Rep. Neguse

From: A constituent in Louisville, CO

May 29

The genocide in Gaza needs to be stopped. I do not want to read or hear, “On October 7th a tragedy…” anymore. It is irrelevant. Nothing excuses a genocide. Nothing excuses bombing babies. Nothing excuses telling civilians to move to a “safe zone” and then bombing that zone. It is a genocide. Say it. My tax dollars are going towards this. My tax dollars are bloodied with the limbs of Palestinian children, babies, women, men, animals, and biodiversity. This has to stop. I am a veteran. I served this country and I have never been more ashamed of that. If I get another “Israel has to defend itself” response you will never have my vote again. This is unconscionable. Stop sending money, aid, and all support to Israel NOW.

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