  1. United States
  2. Ohio
  3. Letter

Support Ohio's Reintegration into MIPRC for Economic Growth

To: Sen. Roegner, Rep. Roemer, Gov. DeWine

From: A constituent in Twinsburg, OH

February 19

The decision to reintegrate Ohio into the Midwest Interstate Passenger Rail Commission (MIPRC) is a crucial step towards enhancing our state's connectivity and economic prosperity. The Federal Railroad Administration's recent funding announcement for studies on proposed Amtrak lines in Ohio underscores the potential benefits of this move. As neighboring states like Indiana and Michigan are already members, Ohio's reintegration would strengthen regional collaboration and planning. The annual membership fee of $25,000 is a small investment compared to the potential economic and social returns. Therefore, it is requested to support the bills being introduced in the Ohio House and Senate for rejoining the MIPRC. This action will not only increase transportation options for Ohioans but also contribute to our state's overall growth and prosperity.

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