  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

Condemn Attorney General's alleged abuse of power for political gain

To: Rep. Walsh, Rep. McEntire, Sen. Wilson

From: A constituent in Longview, WA

May 25

I am deeply disturbed by the reports that Attorney General Bob Ferguson demanded Secretary of State Steve Hobbs illegally change the ballot order to benefit Ferguson's own campaign for governor. This represents a blatant abuse of power and a disregard for the rule of law that is completely unacceptable for the state's top law enforcement official. The law is clear that candidate order on the ballot must be determined randomly, not manipulated for political gain. For the Attorney General to allegedly use vulgar language and aggressively insist that the Secretary of State violate this law is reprehensible behavior. It undermines faith in our electoral process and suggests Ferguson was willing to subvert democracy for his own personal ambition. I urge you to condemn Ferguson's reported actions in the strongest possible terms. Public servants must be held to the highest ethical standards, especially those tasked with upholding the law. If these allegations are true, Ferguson has proven himself unfit for office and unable to properly execute the duties of Attorney General. Appropriate consequences, potentially including demands for his resignation, should be seriously considered. We cannot allow this flagrant abuse of power to go unchecked.

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