  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Schiff

From: A verified voter in Glendale, CA

May 9

I understand that Republicans are trying to roll back the Biden Administration’s new rule capping credit cards late fees at $8. This rule will save ordinary folks ten billion dollars a year! It is predatory to profit off of a person's inability to pay. Capping late fees also reduces the incentive to encourage or try to trap people in debt. Please vote NO on H.J. Res. 122. Also, please oppose HR 7109, another Republican-backed bill which would require the Census Bureau to ask questions about citizenship on the census. These questions are unnecessary and intrusive, and will undermine the census count in every state and community—creating an environment of fear for immigrant and mixed-status families. Please vote no on this bill. Thank you.

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