Restore Full Funding for Chandra X-ray Observatory in FY25
  1. United States
  2. Utah
  3. Letter

Restore Full Funding for Chandra X-ray Observatory in FY25

To: Sen. Lee, Rep. Maloy, Sen. Romney

From: A constituent in Salt Lake City, UT

April 18

Please restore full funding (approximately $70M/yr) to NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory in any FY25 legislation., about the same operational cost of ONE F-16 plane. It’s most impactful discoveries are ahead. Premature loss of Chandra will result in a death spiral for X-ray astronomy in the United States. The restoration of Chandra cannot be an unfunded mandate to NASA. Please take action to modestly increase the NASA Astrophysics Budget to ensure U.S. Leadership in making the greatest cosmic discoveries of the century.

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