  1. United States
  2. Md.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Cardin, Rep. Mfume, Sen. Van Hollen

From: A verified voter in Halethorpe, MD

July 10

I urge immediate action to overrule the recent Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity. Justice Sotomayor rightly stated, this ruling makes the President "a king above the law." Here’s why it’s undemocratic: 1. **Equality Before the Law**: Our democracy is based on the principle that no one, including the President, is above the law. 2. **Checks and Balances**: The Constitution’s system of checks and balances is disrupted, placing the President beyond legal accountability. 3. **Accountability for Crimes**: This ruling allows the President to commit crimes without fear of prosecution, threatening the rule of law. 4. **Erosion of Democracy**: Granting immunity erodes public trust and diminishes our democratic values. It is your congressional duty to serve as a check and balance for the courts. We need you to push for amendment to the Constitution to overturn this ruling and preserve our democracy.

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