  1. United States
  2. Ariz.
  3. Letter

Oppose anti-trans legislation endangering transgender youth

To: Sen. Kelly, Sen. Sinema

From: A verified voter in Tucson, AZ

July 20

The GUARD Act (SB2394) This bill amends the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act to disqualify any state from receiving funding under the Act if it fails to protect parents and guardians who oppose medical, surgical, pharmacological, psychological treatment, clothing or social changes related to affirming a minor's gender identity that differs from their biological sex. The bill seeks to prevent states from taking adverse action against parents for opposing gender transition procedures for their children. Medical experts advise that such gender-affirming care is vital for transgender youth mental health and well-being. Denying access puts these vulnerable young people at increased risk of abuse, neglect, depression and suicide.

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