  1. United States
  2. Alaska
  3. Letter

Support Social Security Fairness Act for equity and fairness

To: Sen. Sullivan, Sen. Murkowski, Rep. Peltola

From: A constituent in Anchorage, AK

November 12, 2024

This bill would make an important change to Social Security by repealing the government pension offset and windfall elimination provisions. The government pension offset currently reduces Social Security spousal or survivor benefits for those receiving a pension from federal, state or local government employment not covered by Social Security. And the windfall elimination provision reduces the Social Security benefits of those with earnings from jobs not covered by Social Security. Eliminating these provisions would increase the benefits received by many public sector retirees and low-wage workers. While addressing potential windfall benefits comes at a cost to Social Security's finances, this bill aims to treat all workers more fairly regardless of their employment sector. By repealing these offsets, public employees who paid into Social Security would receive their full earned benefits without penalty. This change would provide more financial security for many retirees, especially those with modest incomes. I urge you to cosponsor and support the Social Security Fairness Act to enact this reform and increase equity in the Social Security system.

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