  1. United States
  2. Md.
  3. Letter

Uphold human dignity: Reject mass deportation of undocumented immigrants

To: Sen. Van Hollen, Rep. Mfume, Sen. Cardin

From: A constituent in Baltimore, MD

November 8, 2024

President-elect Trump's plan to deport over 11 million undocumented immigrants goes against American values and principles of human rights. Mass deportations of this scale are inhumane, immoral, and will tear families apart while further traumatizing vulnerable communities. I ask you to refuse to authorize state law enforcement to participate in such draconian actions that serve only to stoke fear and divide our society. Immigration policies must be reformed through legal channels that uphold human dignity, due process, and our nation's legacy as a beacon of hope for those seeking a better life. I urge the incoming administration to reconsider this destructive path and work towards comprehensive immigration solutions that unite, not separate, our diverse nation.

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