Equalize Cash and Credit Card Transaction Fees for Consumers
  1. United States
  2. N.J.
  3. Letter

Equalize Cash and Credit Card Transaction Fees for Consumers

To: Assembly Member Miller, Assembly Member Hutchison, Gov. Murphy, Sen. Moriarty

From: A verified voter in Blackwood, NJ

April 14

The increasing reliance on credit cards over cash is leading to a rise in fees for consumers, as businesses pass on the costs of credit card processing. This is particularly impacting smaller businesses, who are seeking ways to offload these expenses. While some states prohibit credit card fees, discounts for cash payments are generally allowed, creating a disparity in costs for consumers. A proposed bill aims to lower credit card processing fees by introducing more competition in the market. However, to truly protect consumers, legislation should require that cash and credit transactions be charged at the same rate, eliminating the need for consumers to carry cash or seek out ATMs to avoid fees. This would ensure a fair and equitable system for all consumers, regardless of their preferred payment method.

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