  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Impeach Justices Alito and Thomas

To: Rep. Lieu

From: A constituent in Santa Monica, CA

July 24

Hi, I’m a constituent from Santa Monica and a member of Indivisible Westside Los Angeles. I urge you to support the introduction of the articles of impeachment introduced by Rep. Ocasio-Cortez against Justices Thomas and Alito. The unchecked corruption crisis on the Supreme Court has now spiraled into a Constitutional crisis threatening American democracy. Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito’s pattern of refusal to recuse from consequential matters before the court in which they hold widely documented financial and personal entanglements constitutes a grave threat to American rule of law, the integrity of our democracy, and one of the clearest cases for which the tool of impeachment was designed. Justice Thomas’ and Alito’s repeated failures over decades to disclose that they received millions of dollars in gifts from individuals with business before the Court is explicitly against the law. And their refusal to recuse from the specific matters and cases before the court in which their benefactors and spouses are implicated represents nothing less than a constitutional crisis. Given the court’s demonstrated inability to preserve its own legitimate conduct, it is incumbent upon Congress to contain the threat this poses to our democracy and the hundreds of millions of Americans harmed by the crisis of corruption unfurling within the court. Thank you for your time and attention.

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