  1. United States
  2. Ariz.
  3. Letter

Preserve Child Welfare in Adoption and Foster Care

To: Rep. Ciscomani

From: A verified voter in Tucson, AZ

July 20

This legislation seeks to prohibit federally-funded adoption and foster care agencies from delaying or denying placements based on a prospective parent's refusal to provide gender-affirming care or consent to medical interventions for a child that do not align with the child's biological sex at birth. The bill narrowly defines sex as determined solely by reproductive anatomy, disregarding contemporary medical consensus on gender identity. By codifying this stance into law, it would effectively bar many LGBTQ+ families from adopting or fostering children through agencies receiving federal funding. While respecting personal beliefs, this bill raises concerns over discriminatory policies that could prevent qualified, loving families from providing homes for children in need based on factors unrelated to ensuring child welfare. We must prioritize the best interests of kids awaiting adoption or foster placement over ideological stances that constrain their opportunities for nurturing environments. Comprehensive reform is needed to create a more inclusive, affirmative system focused on expanding the pool of prospective parents rather than imposing narrow restrictions detrimental to vulnerable youth. I urge you to carefully consider these implications and potential unintended consequences that could negatively impact children in the adoption and foster care system. Promoting their emotional wellbeing, stability and access to caring homes should be the paramount objective. Thank you for your attention to this important matter.

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