  1. United States
  2. S.C.
  3. Letter

Amusing but sad.

To: Sen. Scott, Sen. Graham, Rep. Timmons

From: A constituent in Travelers Rest, SC

May 14

Watching you all stumble over yourselves to support a criminal defendant is amusing. Defense in Paying porn stars. That's the republican party now. For a man whose never won a popular vote in his life. We will stop the genocide in Gaza. We will bring back roe wade rights. We will continue the decriminalization of cannabis and the rights to easy voting. Billion dollar bought executive orders by lobby will not win you ANYTHING. ID ADVISE YOU TO LOOK AT THE RESULT OF HITCHING YOURSELF TO THE TRUMP BRAND. IT'S NEVER ENDED WELL FOR ANYONE. AND IT'S GOT YOU ALL LOOKING VERY FOOLISH ATM.

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