  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Vote Yes on AB 3155

To: Asm. Zbur

From: A constituent in Santa Monica, CA

May 24

Hi, I’m a constituent from Santa Monica, a CDP Delegate from AD51, and a member of Santa Monica Democratic Club and Indivisible Westside Los Angeles. I support AB 3155 for oil driller accountability and urge Assemblymember Zbur to vote YES for the bill when it comes up on the floor this week. More than 2.7 million California residents live near operational oil and gas wells. People living in these frontline communities – most of whom are low-income and people of color – experience adverse health impacts such as asthma, heart and lung diseases, cancer, and prenatal defects. AB 3155 addresses this injustice by ensuring fair compensation for health risks for people living within a 3,200-foot radius of inadequately regulated oil and production sites. Again, I urge Assemblymember Zbur to vote yes on AB 3155. Thank you.

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