  1. United States
  2. Alaska
  3. Letter

Keep regulations on cars and trucks

To: Sen. Murkowski, Sen. Sullivan, Rep. Peltola

From: A constituent in Anchorage, AK

May 29

Hello, I am writing as a constituent from Anchorage, AK. I am contacting you to voice my opposition to S.J. Res 745, S.J. Res 745, H.J. Res 136, and H.J. Res 133, which would roll back the Environmental Protect ion Agency's (EPA) emissions safeguards for cars and trucks. gases—more than any other sector in the United States. The transportation sector accounts for 28 percent of heat-trapping It is obvious that regulations on this sector should be implemented to reduce our overall gas emissions and avoid climate catastrophe. I am asking you to please defend a livable planet for us and future generations. Thank you, Adrienne

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