  1. United States
  2. N.C.
  3. Letter

Reject Bill 237, threats to free speech and public safety

To: Sen. Murdock, Rep. Alston

From: A constituent in Durham, NC

May 16

I strongly urge you to oppose House Bill 237, which aims to increase penalties for protest-related offenses and grant immunity to drivers who strike protesters on public streets. This bill poses a grave threat to the constitutional rights of free speech and peaceful assembly. It would have a chilling effect on citizens' ability to voice dissent and criticize the government, a fundamental tenet of democracy. The provisions allowing drivers to strike protesters with their vehicles are particularly concerning, essentially legalizing violence against peaceful demonstrators. This disregards the sanctity of human life and undermines public safety. Throughout history, nonviolent civil resistance movements have played a crucial role in advancing civil rights and promoting social progress. Stifling such movements with draconian laws is antithetical to American values of liberty and justice. Furthermore, the broad language used in the bill leaves room for abuse and discriminatory enforcement against marginalized groups. It could disproportionately impact communities already facing systemic discrimination, further eroding trust in law enforcement and exacerbating existing tensions. I strongly believe that protecting free speech and the right to peacefully assemble should be a priority for our elected representatives. These rights are the bedrock of our democracy, and curtailing them would be a severe blow to the principles our nation was founded upon. I urge you to stand on the right side of history and reject this unconstitutional and undemocratic legislation.

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