  1. United States
  2. Ariz.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Ciscomani

From: A verified voter in Tucson, AZ

June 29

This proposed legislation aims to impose age verification requirements on internet platforms, ostensibly to restrict minors' access to harmful content online. However, such measures raise serious concerns about digital censorship, privacy violations, and the suppression of LGBTQ+ communities' ability to access vital information and support networks. Age verification systems would require users to submit sensitive personal data like government-issued IDs, enabling mass surveillance and putting marginalized groups at heightened risk. Furthermore, these restrictions disproportionately impact queer youth seeking age-appropriate resources and safe virtual spaces for self-expression and community building. We must advocate for an open internet that empowers free speech and protects vulnerable populations rather than implement draconian measures that do more harm than good under the guise of child protection. Internet freedom and equitable access should be the guiding principles.

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