  1. United States
  2. Va.
  3. Letter

Please support the bipartisan bill to ban stock trades by members of congress.

To: Sen. Warner, Sen. Kaine

From: A constituent in Vienna, VA

July 11

The bipartisan deal to ban stock trading by members of Congress is a long-overdue step towards restoring public trust and confidence in our elected officials. For too long, concerns over conflicts of interest and insider trading have plagued Capitol Hill, eroding faith in the integrity of our democratic institutions. This agreement aims to eliminate even the appearance of impropriety by prohibiting lawmakers from trading individual stocks, thereby ensuring they are working solely for the interests of their constituents rather than personal financial gain. Such reforms are crucial for upholding the ethical standards expected of our representatives and preserving the principles of transparency and accountability that form the bedrock of our democracy. I urge swift passage and implementation of this ban to demonstrate an unwavering commitment to good governance and the people's well-being.

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