- United States
- Va.
- Letter
Gig workers and delivery drivers are being heavily exploited by companies like DoorDash, Uber eats, etc. DoorDash gets away with exploitative labor practices because these workers are labeled as “independent contractors” and are unable to unionize or otherwise organize to protect their labor rights. Meanwhile DoorDash gets away with relying on nonexistent customer tips, which drivers are unaware of until completion of delivery, to get free labor while they pocket the “delivery fees” that customers are so upset about.
Meanwhile, customers choose to not tip— allegedly because they’re trying to “get DoorDash to pay its workers.” The reality is that this just hurts gig workers who are already struggling, or else they would not be working for DoorDash in an attempt
To make ends meet during this cost of living crisis. The loopholes in labor laws that these companies exploit while profiting off of handfuls of different kinds of “fees” is unjust and very well could be a violation of workers rights.
Please think of these workers and how there are no protections for us. We are being exploited and no one is listening. We are being exploited and are powerless to make substantial change. Gig workers deserve worker protections as well and we as a society need to hold companies that are gleefully exploitative accountable. If they want workers they need to guarantee pay. Thank you for your time and I hope you hear my pleas.