  1. United States
  2. Va.
  3. Letter

Pass the PRO Act to make it easier for workers to unionize

To: Rep. Beyer

From: A constituent in Arlington, VA

November 18

As your constituent and former Communications Workers of America (CWA) member, I urge you to support the PRO Act. My experience demonstrates why this legislation is essential for American workers. When I worked for a major telecommunications company, my union protected me from impossible sales quotas that would have cost me my job. The CWA also secured real health insurance that helped prevent medical problems, not just the bare-minimum coverage that would have left me vulnerable to bankruptcy. These protections made a real difference in my life and future. The PRO Act would help millions of workers gain similar protections by creating meaningful penalties for companies that violate workers' rights and strengthening collective bargaining. I strongly urge you to support and cosponsor this crucial legislation. Please inform me of your position on this important legislation.

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