  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Alvarado, Gov. Inslee, Rep. Fitzgibbon, Sen. Nguyen

From: A verified voter in Seattle, WA

September 18

The McCleary decision clearly states you must full fund k-12 education yet the largest school district in the state is underfunded by millions of dollars and is cutting services and closing schools. You are not doing your job Please immediately introduce legislation to fund Seattle Public Schools so that we don't rip apart our learning communities. This cohort already is dealing with the damage done by COVID, don't heap this on them as well. Especially when it is, simply put, a choice you are making. You are choosing to not find out schools. I assume you are doing this because you feel there will be no repercussions. You feel you have cover in a blue state. Thay as long as there is a D in front of your name we will vote for you, regardless. I am telling you now that is not the case. This is my issue. This is the only issue I will vote on until it is resolved Fully fund our schools Do it Do not tie money to headcount. Or, rather, don't only do that. Each school costs a certain amount to run. The building has costs and staff have salaries. Just FUND IT. And then tie an amount to each kid to handle the scaling costs like supplies and food. Or do it some other way But start by GIVING EACH SCHOOL DISTRICT THE MONEY THEY NEED Do this or watch me hold my nose and vote Republican or what ever party will help me

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