  1. United States
  2. S.C.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Scott

From: A verified voter in New Ellenton, SC

July 19

If your god intervened with the fate of your Dear Leader and saved his life (who was threatened by a young, white, male, republican, by the way), what about the firefighter who lost his life? What about the others who are still in the hospital? Does your god only save politicians who would sooner tramp you into the ground if you didn't bend over for him?!? But, I guess your god is also a hypocrite, or, at least, the way you so-called christians define your god. And you all wonder why people like me have left the "church!" It's because of people like YOU. Sleep on that thought! Your hypocrisy is astounding. The hypocrisy of ALL of you reTrumplicans is astounding! Your lies and grift will take our Country down. I'm ashamed that you "represent" the state I live in!

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