Restore women's full citizenship now
  1. United States
  2. Ariz.
  3. Letter

Restore women's full citizenship now

To: Sen. Sinema, Sen. Kelly

From: A constituent in Flagstaff, AZ

May 25

I am a constituent in 86005 and writing with great dismay about the unceasing attacks on women and our bodies from the Republican party. There are days when I lose hope all together that we will be pushed back to the days when I was young and women had no rights at all, other than through their husbands. We cannot let this happen. Today is another gut wrenching day. Louisiana is going to make possession of abortion medication without a prescription a felony. I suspect the extremist Arizona state legislature will put this forward this as well. This is unconscionable.The Senate must pass S. 701 the Women’s Health Protection Act and restore women to full citizenship with bodily autonomy right away. Lives are at stake and it is high time the majority of our elected officials behaved that way. Thank you.

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