  1. United States
  2. Minn.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Klobuchar, Sen. Smith, Rep. Omar

From: A verified voter in Minneapolis, MN

December 28, 2024

Preserving federal funding for public media outlets like NPR and PBS is crucial for maintaining a well-informed citizenry and promoting civic engagement across the country. These trusted sources provide educational programming, emergency alerts, and in-depth journalism that commercial media often overlooks, especially in rural and underserved areas. Defunding them would deprive millions of access to nonpartisan news and resources, undermining our democracy's foundation of a free press. While criticisms of bias arise from some corners, public media organizations have a congressionally mandated editorial independence from partisan influence or private interests. Their relatively modest federal funding of just $3.16 per American is a minuscule fraction of defense or entitlement spending but yields immense benefits. Eliminating this funding would disrupt local stations' operations, compromising emergency preparedness systems and diminishing rural access to vital information. We must uphold the principles behind the Public Broadcasting Act and maintain support for these invaluable civic institutions that strengthen our society. Preserving this long-standing federal investment in public media will safeguard journalistic integrity, enrich educational opportunities, and honor our nation's democratic ideals of a free and vibrant press. This reasoned commitment transcends political differences for the greater public good.

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