  1. United States
  2. La.
  3. Letter

Strip Amendment #4453 (Pressly) from HB952 on Concurrence

To: Sen. Mizell, Rep. Egan

From: A verified voter in Covington, LA

June 1

I urge you to strip Amendment #4453 (Pressly) from HB952 on Concurrence. This amendment hurts hundreds of small businesses in Louisiana - namely, the restaurants and bars that are the backbone of our communities.  Bars and restaurants represent a significant amount of sales for this $33M category; by cutting this sector out of the equation, Louisiana is unnecessarily hurting itself as we approach a fiscal cliff. Lastly: THC beverages have become a lifeline to non-alcohol drinkers who are looking for a way to socialize in our state without alcohol.  It is cruel to take this very popular option away from citizens who want to avoid alcohol for any reason. I am grateful to the House for stopping SB237; however, I ask you to please pass HB952 without Amendment #4453.

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