  1. United States
  2. S.C.
  3. Letter

recent history & memory

To: Sen. Graham, Sen. Scott, Rep. Timmons

From: A constituent in Travelers Rest, SC

August 15

come november its important to remember a few things from the recent past. the merrik garland rug pull by mitch mconnel. the cruel policies of family seperation at the southern boarders. the attempts to coup the election process & cover crimes of a treasonous cult leader turned dictator in training. the roe wade stripping of bodily autonomy . the continuation of the complete sellout to the fossil fuel companies in the midst of climate catastrophe. the 1984 orwellian lies. the christofacist sharia laws in project 2025. the imprisonment and proven corruption inherant throughout the entire republican party. these lists are endless... But the hypocracy & selfish nature of the actions taken by the "g.o.p." is the bed made by the hands who now prepare to sleep in it. youve caught the car good sirs. & there can only be one outcome. And remember as the blue wave washes over in less than 90 days, that it was your INTEGRITY that was sold in the end. not one shred of credibility remains now and it was all forseen yet walked right into by every member who spoke from both sides of thier mouths while kissing the ring of power ultimatly. freedom isnt yours to take away. you are not doctors to dictate our consioussness or bodies. you conserved nothing. & there wasnt a "great" to be "again"..but there just may be in the future. we wanted bernie, we deal with harris/walz. but we will NEVER bow to failed grifting felon conmen & RICO NY mobsters No matter how many zeallot superstitious cult members or the hate groups they enlist under the guise of filling thier own coffers. term limits is the only freedoms we need to take sirs lets talk about MAXIMUM wage laws. but the violence as usual from these certain groups always shows. the rallys shot up, the clinics bombed..we know who the threats to democracy are. so no, there will be no "new bloodless revolution if the left allows it" or any other heritage foundation nonsense as long as we the people still have power in numbers. and as long as you sirs still by definition work for us. regardless of your actual motivations in the path you made that lead us all here. thanks.

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