  1. United States
  2. Va.
  3. Letter

Urgent Concern: Supreme Court Ruling on Presidential Immunity

To: Rep. Beyer, Sen. Kaine, Sen. Warner

From: A constituent in Falls Church, VA

July 2

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the recent Supreme Court ruling which grants former presidents absolute immunity from prosecution for official acts within their “exclusive sphere of constitutional authority” and presumptive immunity for all official acts. This ruling has far-reaching implications, affecting all presidents—former, current, and future—but is particularly alarming in its application to former presidents. This decision significantly hampers accountability for actions that can have profound implications on our democracy. The protection of actions like using the Department of Justice to challenge election results sets a dangerous precedent. In the state of Virginia, where Thomas Jefferson and George Washington once lived, the legacy of our democracy is of paramount importance. If there's any legacy that should be cherished, supported, and saved in the US, it's democracy. As one of the actions to address this, Congress MUST PASS the Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency Act, the TERM Act, and we must expand the Supreme Court. I urge you to take immediate legislative action to address this issue and ensure that no individual is above the law, regardless of their position. Our democracy depends on accountability and the equal application of justice. Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter.

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