  1. United States
  2. Fla.
  3. Letter


To: Gov. Desantis, Sen. Brodeur, Rep. Eskamani

From: A verified voter in Winter Park, FL

May 15

Dear GOP Ghouls, Simply put, as a body and as individuals, you each and every one of you is cruel and evil: you, the DeSantis' GOP Ghoul Gestapo, are all perfectly happy to kill hardworking outdoor workers in order fatten the wallets of your corporate owners (and your own). Scott Maxwell exposed your corrupt GOP Ghoul Gestapo that consistently burdens our fair State with inhumane cruel political stunts and policies founded in hate or greed ...or both. Please read this article by Scott Maxwell in the Orlando Sentinel so your fully grasp the breadth and depth of your craven, crass inhumanity to hardworking people. " [Your legislative behavior] is so bad, even [you] try to hide from [your] own acts. This past legislative session, that something was a new law that makes it illegal for Florida counties to guarantee basic workplace safety for outdoor workers who toil in extreme heat — like providing shade and water. This is the kind of stuff most people would provide for dogs. We’re talking about water breaks in 100-degree heat. And momentary shade for roofers and farmhands." We the HUMANE people see your repeated acts of draconian repression of THE PEOPLE'S RIGHTS in exchange for corporate *donors* for the toxic politics and policy-making that it is. We the HUMANE people will vote you and your evil, greedy cronies out. And, Don't even get me started on your bullshit about being "Christian" -- this clearly dispells THAT lie you jokers constantly espouse. ~VOTING AGAINST THE GHOUL GESTAPO and TELLING ALL MY 485 FACEBOOK FOLLOWERS TO DO THE SAME!

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