  1. United States
  2. Utah
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Maloy, Sen. Romney, Sen. Lee

From: A verified voter in Salt Lake City, UT

January 2

Linda McMahon's appointment to lead the Department of Education raises significant concerns about the future of public education funding and civil rights protections. Despite a lack of relevant experience, McMahon is a loyal supporter of President Trump's vision to dismantle the Department and divert resources away from public schools through voucher programs and cuts to programs like Title I. This jeopardizes equal access to quality education for all students, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds. Furthermore, McMahon's troubling history at WWE calls into question her commitment to preventing discrimination and addressing issues like sexual violence on campuses. An informed citizenry cannot thrive when public education is undermined and students' civil rights are not adequately safeguarded. We urge reconsideration of this appointment to protect the Department's vital mission of providing equitable educational opportunities.

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