  1. United States
  2. Colo.
  3. Letter

Clemency for Leonard Peltier - Uphold Justice, Restore Trust

To: Rep. Neguse

From: A verified voter in Wellington, CO

December 4

It is crucial that President Biden pardons Leonard Peltier now before leaving office. After nearly five decades behind bars, Peltier's deteriorating health and advanced age underscore the urgency of his release. Despite widespread condemnation of the government's misconduct in his case and calls for his freedom from human rights groups, tribal leaders, and a bipartisan coalition of lawmakers, Peltier remains imprisoned. Failing to act decisively on pardoning this elderly Indigenous activist would cement a grave injustice and erode faith in the justice system, particularly among Native communities subjected to systemic discrimination. President Biden must seize this opportunity to uphold principles of compassion, due process, and accountability through the full presidential pardon Peltier deserves.

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