Reform Section 702: Protect Civil Liberties from Unchecked Surveillance
  1. United States
  2. N.J.
  3. Letter

Reform Section 702: Protect Civil Liberties from Unchecked Surveillance

To: Rep. Pallone

From: A constituent in Little Silver, NJ

April 25

The unchecked surveillance under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) raises serious concerns. The broad scope of surveillance, lack of judicial oversight, and potential misuse against critics and minority communities are particularly alarming. The fact that warrantless data can be used to prosecute individuals for crimes unrelated to national security is a clear violation of civil liberties. It is crucial to reform Section 702, narrowing its scope, prohibiting mass searching of Americans' communications, and ensuring individuals can challenge such surveillance in court. Additionally, improving oversight, transparency, and limiting data retention and sharing are necessary steps. The "backdoor search loophole" must be closed. This bill must not pass the house. I urge you to vote no and take action to protect the rights of individuals from unwarranted surveillance.

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