  1. United States
  2. N.C.
  3. Letter

Stop arming Israel - ceasefire now

To: Sen. Budd, Sen. Tillis, Rep. Adams

From: A constituent in Charlotte, NC

May 28

The ongoing attacks by Israeli forces in Rafah, particularly the horrific bombing of a designated safe zone housing displaced Palestinians that killed 45 people, mostly women and children, are utterly unacceptable and a grave violation of international law. This military operation has caused immense suffering and loss of innocent civilian lives. A permanent ceasefire must be implemented immediately to prevent further escalation and loss of life. The international community has condemned these atrocities, and it is imperative that concrete actions are taken to end the violence and protect the lives of the Palestinian people in Gaza. Peace and security for all can only be achieved through dialogue and respect for human rights, not indiscriminate military force against civilians. A lasting resolution to this conflict hinges on upholding international law and addressing the root causes through diplomatic means.

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