  1. United States
  2. La.
  3. Letter

Please Support HB 952 by Rep Miller

To: Rep. LaFleur, Sen. Barrow

From: A verified voter in Baton Rouge, LA

May 16

I urge your support of Rep Miller and beg you to consider co-sponsoring his proposed legislation and vote YES to HB 952. I know many women who are teachers, nurses, and mothers who rely on hemp products now that they are legalized. I SUPPORT HB 952 by Representative Miller's efforts to "Clean-Up" Louisiana Hemp legislation and establish reforms to create stability and longevity. I OPPOSE SB 237 by Senator Pressly to Ban the Majority of Hemp Products in Louisiana. I OPPOSE SB 495 by Senator Talbot to Ban Hemp Beverages, Ban Hemp Sales in C-Stores, and create an objective hemp monopoly. Since 2021, Louisiana's hemp industry has created 1000's of jobs, millions in state & local tax revenue, and has contributed over $2 million to fund Early Childhood Development. LA hemp sales have more than tripled since 2021, with over 3,300 Small Businesses licensed by ATC to sell hemp products and ~2,500 products registered and approved by LDH, primarily by local Louisiana businesses. The Hemp Industry has blossomed in its 3 short years and promises a flourishing future for small businesses and jobs in Louisiana. With all new industries, unforeseen issues & concerns arise. Rep Miller's bill addresses those concerns and clarifies confusion among the state's regulatory agencies. HB 952 requires hemp products to be stored behind the counter keeping them out of the reach of children, strengthens existing age-verification laws, requires background checks on hemp retailers, and irons out multiple other "wrinkles" that need clarification. Hemp is a federally legal agricultural commodity and hemp products are primarily used for sleep, topical relief, epilepsy, neurological conditions, and stress/anxiety relief. Do the right thing for Louisiana and its citizens!

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