  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

Change Washington state sports betting rules to allow betting on state teams

To: Sen. Wilson, Rep. Walsh, Rep. McEntire, Gov. Inslee

From: A constituent in Longview, WA

June 5

Subject: Request to Amend Sports Betting Rules to Include Betting on Washington Teams Dear Washington State Lawmakers, I am writing to express my earnest request for a change in sports betting regulations within the state. Specifically, I urge you to consider allowing betting on Washington-based collegiate teams such as the Huskies and the Cougars. As a passionate supporter of local sports teams, it's disheartening to be unable to engage in legal betting activities on these teams within our own state borders. Currently, the lack of options forces enthusiasts like myself to travel out of state to place bets, which is both inconvenient and unnecessary. It’s a real pain in the ass for me on a Saturday morning when I’m setting my lineup on DraftKings for a parlay involving the Washington Huskies and the wazzu cougars. I gotta wake up early then drive across the rainier bridge so I can legally bet on my phone for these two teams. By updating the regulations to include betting on Washington teams, not only would you cater to the desires of many sports fans within the state, but you would also generate additional revenue for Washington through increased betting activity. This revenue could be utilized for various public initiatives, benefiting the community as a whole. Furthermore, allowing betting on local teams would enhance the overall sports-watching experience, fostering a deeper sense of connection and engagement with our collegiate teams. I urge you to consider this proposal seriously and take the necessary steps to amend the existing regulations accordingly. Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to a positive response. Sincerely, Garrett Beauregard

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