  1. United States
  2. Colo.
  3. Letter

Please Advocate for Biden's Withdrawal

To: Gov. Polis

From: A verified voter in Carbondale, CO

July 4

As a registered unaffiliated voter I implore you to support Joe Biden's withdrawal as the Democratic candidate. His cognitive decline, as seen during the debate. is no match for the dark antics of Trump. This wasn't just a 'bad night' and the Democrats spin is alienating me. As if I can't trust what I saw with my own eyes. I was never supportive of his candidacy due to his advanced age. How the Democrats are handling this is why I left the Party. Like you, I'm an openly gay man, and would never vote for Trump. But I know many fellow voters who are planning on not voting now. The way Democrats are shaming folks who won't fall in line with their spin is going to hand Trump the presidency. This cannot stand. The election cannot be won without Independents and Never Trump Voters. I have the utmost respect for you. I wish YOU were running to be honest. Biden is going to get worse. And when that's evident in September or October, it will be too late. Thank you for your consideration, and please remind the Democrats that their tribal approach is missing the mark. Telling us it was just an off night is like Republicans telling their voters they didn't see an insurrection.

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