  1. United States
  2. Utah
  3. Letter

Support Stricter PM2.5 Limits for Public Health and Environmental Justice

To: Sen. Harper, Gov. Cox, Rep. Dunnigan

From: A verified voter in West Jordan, UT

February 11

The recent EPA announcement of stricter limits on PM2.5 soot pollution, reducing the allowable limit from 12 to 9 micrograms per cubic meter, is a significant step towards improving public health. This change could prevent an estimated 4,500 premature deaths and 800,000 asthma-related emergency visits annually by 2032. However, these standards still exceed the World Health Organization's recommended limit. The new rules are expected to have the most substantial health impacts in communities currently experiencing the worst pollution, particularly communities of color. Despite objections from industry groups, it is crucial to prioritize public health over business restrictions. Therefore, it is requested to support these new regulations and work towards achieving even stricter standards in the future. The health of our communities depends on our commitment to reducing pollution.

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