  1. United States
  2. Utah
  3. Letter

Reject amendment undermining citizen initiatives, maintain democratic rights

To: Rep. Wheatley, Sen. Pitcher

From: A constituent in Salt Lake City, UT

August 23

This proposed constitutional amendment represents a concerning overreach of power by the Legislature and a direct threat to the democratic rights of Utahns. By granting themselves the ability to unilaterally amend or repeal voter-approved initiatives, the Legislature is stripping away a crucial mechanism for citizens to enact reforms and have their voices heard. This consolidation of power in the hands of a few elected officials undermines the principles of checks and balances and accountable governance that our system was founded upon. The statement from House Democrats rightly calls this a "betrayal of the trust Utahns place in their democracy." The people of Utah deserve to maintain their constitutionally protected power to directly initiate and pass laws when the Legislature fails to act on important issues. Removing or weakening this process leaves Utahns vulnerable to having their will overruled by a legislative supermajority pursuing its own agenda rather than that of the electorate. For the sake of preserving true democratic representation in our state, this misguided amendment must be rejected. I urge you to listen to the voices of those you represent and vote against this proposal that would consolidate political power at the expense of the people's right to govern themselves through citizen initiatives. Upholding this critical avenue for public participation is essential to maintaining trust in Utah's political system.

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