  1. United States
  2. Va.
  3. Letter

Urging patience, party unity for Biden's campaign reset

To: Sen. Kaine, Sen. Warner, Rep. Beyer

From: A constituent in Alexandria, VA

July 6

The president's debate performance has understandably raised concerns among many Democrats about his ability to wage an effective campaign against the former president. However, prematurely calling for him to exit the race seems premature and counterproductive at this juncture. President Biden still commands significant support within the party and among voters. Abandoning him now could demoralize his base and hand ammunition to Republican attacks portraying Democrats as disloyal and indecisive. Instead of engaging in destabilizing efforts, we should allow the president time to reset and regain his footing on the campaign trail. Ultimately, the democratic process should determine the nominee through the will of primary voters. Unilaterally undermining an elected incumbent sets a troubling precedent. I urge patience and perseverance - it remains early in the cycle, and presidential campaigns often experience peaks and valleys. We must maintain party unity and avoid anything that inadvertently aids the opposition's cause.

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