Protect Libraries: Reconsider Legislation Threatening Access to Information
  1. United States
  2. La.
  3. Letter

Protect Libraries: Reconsider Legislation Threatening Access to Information

To: Sen. Fields, Rep. Marcelle

From: A constituent in Baton Rouge, LA

April 10

The proposed legislation, particularly House Bills 168, 414, 545, 640, and 777, could have detrimental effects on public and school libraries in Louisiana. The requirement for a specific degree ensures that library directors are adequately trained. Criminalizing librarians for providing access to information undermines the fundamental role of libraries. The power to remove library board members without cause threatens the stability of these institutions. Lastly, prohibiting the allocation of public funds to the American Library Association could limit resources and support. Request reconsideration of these bills to protect the integrity of libraries and their crucial role in providing access to information.

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