  1. United States
  2. Ariz.
  3. Letter

Reject discriminatory HB6728 against transgender student-athletes

To: Rep. Ciscomani

From: A verified voter in Tucson, AZ

July 20

Title: An Anti-Transgender Bill That Undermines Athletic Opportunities I strongly oppose HB6728, known as the "Save Women's Sports Act". This legislation would discriminate against transgender students by barring them from participating in sports teams that align with their gender identity. It defines "biological sex" narrowly by the sex assigned at birth, disregarding the complexity of gender identity. Forcing transgender girls and women to compete against male athletes puts them at an unfair disadvantage and compromises their safety. Furthermore, threatening to terminate all federal funding for schools that fail to comply is an unacceptable overreach that could devastate educational institutions. This bill perpetuates harmful stereotypes and promotes exclusion rather than inclusion. Transgender athletes deserve the same opportunities as their cisgender peers to experience the numerous benefits of school sports programs. Participation in athletics fosters physical fitness, teamwork, leadership skills, and self-confidence – virtues that should be accessible to all students regardless of gender identity. I urge you to reject this discriminatory legislation and instead prioritize policies that respect the dignity and rights of all students. Our schools should cultivate an environment of acceptance and belonging, allowing every child to thrive academically, athletically, and personally. Protecting vulnerable groups, not marginalizing them, should be the priority. Please stand on the right side of history by voting against HB6728.

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