  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Smith

From: A verified voter in Federal Way, WA

July 7

House Democrats should unite behind Biden's reelection bid It is outrageous and deeply disappointing that House Democrats would publicly call for President Biden to drop out of the 2024 race. Such damaging infighting serves only to aid the Republican candidate, a criminal who has repeatedly demonstrated his unfitness for office. Rather than creating unnecessary divisions, House Democrats should be laser-focused on exposing the profound ethical and legal failings of the GOP nominee. Biden's perceived shortcomings pale in comparison to his opponent's outright criminality and hostility toward democratic norms. Turning on our own party's duly-elected standard-bearer is an act of political malpractice that needlessly boosts Republicans. Instead of sabotaging Biden's campaign through counterproductive public statements, Congressional Democrats must close ranks and direct their unified ire at the far greater threat posed by an aspiring autocrat on the opposing ticket. Overcoming a criminal demagogue requires complete Democratic solidarity, not self inflicted wounds that could prove fatal in such a consequential election year.

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