- United States
- Utah
- Letter
Utah's recent ban on displaying Pride flags in schools and public buildings is a discriminatory measure that perpetuates harm against the LGBTQ+ community. This decision sends a clear message of exclusion and erasure to LGBTQ+ individuals, particularly youth who already face heightened risks of bullying, depression, and suicide. It undermines efforts to create inclusive and affirming spaces for all. Symbols like the Pride flag provide crucial visibility and representation for the LGBTQ+ community. Removing them from schools denies LGBTQ+ students the ability to see themselves reflected and strips away vital sources of support and affirmation. In public buildings, the absence of these symbols marginalizes LGBTQ+ community members and signals that their identities are not valued or welcome. This regressive policy contradicts the state's supposed commitment to diversity and nondiscrimination. It promotes a harmful environment that can have severe mental health consequences for vulnerable LGBTQ+ individuals. I urge the repeal of this discriminatory ban to foster a truly inclusive society that celebrates and protects all its members, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.