Petition Against the TikTok Ban and Upholding First Amendment Rights
  1. United States
  2. Idaho
  3. Letter

Petition Against the TikTok Ban and Upholding First Amendment Rights

To: Rep. Fulcher, Sen. Crapo, Sen. Risch

From: A constituent in Boise, ID

April 18

We, the undersigned, are voters from across the United States who stand united in our commitment to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment. We are writing to express our firm opposition to any legislative efforts to ban TikTok. Social media platforms like TikTok are crucial for freedom of expression and represent the modern public square where citizens engage in free speech. Implementing a ban on TikTok would undermine these constitutional rights and set a concerning precedent for the suppression of digital platforms. We are concerned citizens who value our constitutional rights, and our votes depend on the upholding of these principles. We pledge not to support any lawmaker, regardless of party or position, who votes in favor of any ban on TikTok or similar platforms beyond this date. Your actions on this matter will be remembered at the polls.

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