  1. United States
  2. Ariz.
  3. Letter

Protect educational freedom and inclusive discourse in Arizona

To: Rep. Mathis, Rep. Gutierrez

From: A constituent in Tucson, AZ

May 31

This bill seeks to prohibit the use of public funds for any training or instruction that promotes or advocates specific ideologies related to diversity, equity, and inclusion concepts. It raises concerns about the potential restriction of legitimate educational content and open discourse surrounding gender, sexuality, and social justice topics in schools and public institutions. While aiming to prevent indoctrination, such measures could impede inclusive and comprehensive education that prepares students for our diverse society. An alternative approach fostering critical thinking and respectful dialogue on these subjects may be more constructive than outright censorship. I urge you to carefully consider the implications for academic freedom, access to information, and the developmental needs of Arizona's youth before advancing this legislation.

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